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Free Claim

The "Quick Claim" and "Create a Claim" drop tools within Phosphor both allow you to set up a page where your community members can claim their NFTs for free. This feature differs from the airdrop ones in that it requires your community members to initiate the claim of the asset.

  1. Quick Claim: Set up an NFT claim page in 1 click using Phosphor's default settings.
  2. Create a Claim: Set up an NFT claim page with further customization, like adding traits, restrictions, and a schedule.

Quick Claim

  1. Locate 'Quick Claim' in the 'Tools' tab:
Phosphor drop tools quick claim
  1. Add the required information for a drop:
    1. Collectible Image
    2. Collectible Title
    3. Network
    4. Drop date
Phosphor quick claim modal
  1. Review the cost of the drop
  2. Confirm and Launch.

Create a Claim/Claim Wizard

  1. Locate 'Create a Claim' in the 'Tools' tab:
Phosphor drop tools create a claim
  1. Users fill out the required fields for General Details
Phosphor create a claim modal
  • Add a Drop Cover - this is the view that will be displayed when showing the collection on the Creator Profile.
  • Add Drop Name - this is the title displayed for a given collection.
  • Define Collectible Type - 721 or 1155
  • Define whether Collectibles are non-transferrable (SBT)
  • Define Network - this has direct implications on the cost of the deployment
  • Contract Owner - this is the field where creators can add their wallet address to be set as ADMIN for a contract.
    • Users can have the ability to revoke access of Phosphor or other Admins on the platform.
  1. Users fill out the required fields for Collectible
Phosphor create a claim modal
  • Add the Collectible Media - this is what the 1155 item will have on their metadata.
  • Add the Collectible Title - this is the title of the item in the metadata
  • Add Collectible Description - this is the description of the item that will be displayed on the Consumer App.
  • Add Collectible Traits (optional)
    • Users can add metadata traits by defining the trait type (e.g. numbers, text, date) and the value.
  1. Users fill out the required fields for Claim Configuration
Phosphor create a claim modal
  1. Users define who will pay for the claim transactions

    1. Collector - this option would prompt those who are claiming to pay for the gas.
    2. Creator - this option would enable those who are claiming without the need for gas.
  2. Define Edition size

    1. Open - unlimited supply based on how many people claim.
    2. Fixed - a limited supply of items available for mint.
  3. Define Limit per Wallet Address

  4. Define Claim Window

  5. Define Visibility on Profile

  6. Add Restrictions via Allowlist

  7. Users fill out the required fields for Schedule. Choose when the claim will be executed

Phosphor create a claim modal
  1. Users fill out the required fields for Review
Phosphor create a claim modal
  1. Initiate Transaction