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Create a Snapshot

  1. Locate 'Snapshot' in the 'Tools' tab:
Phosphor drop tools snapshot
  1. Provide a snapshot name
  2. Provide information about what you want to snapshot
    1. A snapshot of a personal drop
    2. A snapshot of an existing contract
      1. You'll have to indicate the address of the contract in question.
      2. You'll also have to identify the network on which the contract is deployed.
        1. Supported chains:
          1. Arbitrum
          2. Base
          3. Ethereum
          4. Gnosis chain
          5. Linea
          6. Optimism
          7. Palm
Phosphor snapshot modal
  1. Add filters of the owners that you want when taking the snapshot
    1. Time Range - what are the addresses that held the NFT during this time period?
    2. Token Range - which addresses held the specific NFT token IDs?
    3. Quantity Range - how many NFTs should the address hold?
Phosphor snapshot modal
  1. Review information
Phosphor snapshot modal
  1. Create snapshot